Jane Harding

Experimental printmaker

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 1

This whole project started with a poem Yesterday written for me by David Powley, a poet based in Yorkshire. My work is developed from my interpretation of aspects of the poem in the light of my own attitudes and experiences. Through these images I want to convey that we all need to change our habits now if the next generation is to have a tomorrow.

Awesome Power 2

Broken Promises

Burnt Out



Not Sleep Through The Guilt 1

Not Sleep Through The Guilt 2

Not Sleep Through The Guilt 3

Snuffing Out The Light 1

Snuffing Out The Light 2

Time Warping Overnight 1

Time Warping Overnight 2


Such Sorrow

Unravelling World

Habit’s toxic hold

New Dawn

Pure Drops Of Life

Yesterday    Today    Tomorrow
